Friday, August 15, 2008

Getting Ready for State Board!

Well, I have two days until I take my cosmetology state board practical. It's not going to be that complicated, but I haven't really practiced. I heard the proctors like to intimidate the students by walking around and just staring at you. I just hope I don't crack under pressure. I picked a hotel nearby to stay at which I hope is nice. I'm staying an extra day to just relax by the pool after I take my test. The test is in Tempe, AZ which is about 2 hours from Tucson.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Just waiting to take my boards

I graduated from cosmetology school June 19th, and I'm waiting to drive up to Phoenix on August 18th to take my practical. In the meantime, I am busy painting, sewing, and making collage magnets to sell at Bohemia Gallery on Country Club and Broadway in Tucson. I hope some money starts rolling in!